
of Healing

Look deep within your heart, and you will
 understand everything better.

"Let's help you and your pet come back into harmony and being the beautiful rays of sunshine that you are." 


FouRays of Healing


FouRays of Healing is about harmonizing all four bodies (the Spiritual , Mental, Emotional, and Physical Body) for healing to occur. Through Source, I AM a channel in which whatever is highest and best comes through to assist the being at that time whether they are Animals, all of Nature, or People. 


Animals and Plants are also energetic beings with their own unique signature essence. They feel their external environments and all around it including all thought forms, electromagnetic frequencies, artificial intelligence and so forth. Like people, they also benefit from spiritual clearings since they also absorb all that’s around them. They can also benefit from holistic treatments according to their body’s needs.


Together with Source, I will assist in both the well being of your pet and you. Through clearing work from yourself, the collective and all your lineages, all programs, limiting beliefs, conditionings and surrendering to your heart ; you will remember who you are, what is your soul’s mission, and activate your gifts, abilities, and so forth that relate to your unique crystalline DNA Christ template in due timing. 


Through opening our hearts to connect to Source, we are able to maintain higher vibrations and help increase the vibrations of all around us. You will begin to tune into your heart more and listen to where it calls for you to go. You will unlock the Divine being that is within and begin to acknowledge and honor the Divine that is within ALL.


I will guide you step by step on your spiritual journey,  and empower you with tools and knowledge on what can benefit you and your animal. All of God’s creations are intelligent beings regardless of how they are genetically built.  We all serve a beautiful divine purpose and I will help you realize yours. I am here to help you see the ray of sunshine that is within. 


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Animal Services

I guide pet parents on what the animal needs through tuning into their hearts and bodies. It could be clearing chakras, releasing any unknown inflammation, relaying any messages,  clearing past life traumas,  negative energies, and more while also recommending any holistic supplements, food, and treatments accordingly.


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Human Services

Source works through me with the highest self of the being at that time to bring any clearings, revelations, knowledge and upgrades for further growth onward to Ascension and remembering the Divine self that is you. Through clearing work and listening to your heart, body, inner voice and feelings, you will be able to further unlock your gifts and the fullest potential the human body can achieve within due time. Life will go from happening to you, to happening for you, to happening through you, to finally happening as you.

Earth Work

Through Nature we learn our greatest lessons if we open our hearts and eyes to truly see her, honor all creations and love all. Through Earth Work, I, with Source, Am able to tune into the Earth and anchor  light into specific areas on the plane that are in need of it at that time.


I Am an Instrument of the Infinite Light (Source) and Spiritual Guide for People and Animals.

 Divine Source works through me to bring only what is highest and best for the being. Based on my spiritual guidance and animal knowledge I will recommend and clear anything that will be beneficial spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.


Book a free 15 minute consultation to answer any questions you may have about sessions or services.